Part 2
Suasana Kidz Cabin open day tempoh hari telah diadakan dalam keadaan yang sangat selesa dan conducive. Tak macam masa I join dan buka gerai dengan Zaidi kira-kira lima tahun lepas. There were big tents, sheds, surrounded by large trees, and quite windy too.
Intan was messaging her... you know who... |
Pekan sehari at Kidz Cabin. |
The new building for children under 3 years old. |
"Our marketing strategy is wrong. We need to put up large balloons, turn on loud musics, et cetera..." |
It fits you perfectly Cinderella. |
Syahmie became the volunteer to post with the merchandise. |
I didn't quite know what to do, really. Wandering around, looked at people, looked at people looking at other people, buy and eat ais kerim Malaysia, layan Sabriena main kat dalam bangunan, and most of the time duduk lepak doing nothing. Wanie, Amier dan my wife masuk kelas art. Bayar RM10 per person. Buat seni collage, and colouring too. Wanie, like usual was being creative with the art materials.
Some of the profit will be channeled to charity. |
"Or, you can channel the money to me", said Wanie. |
Amier looking very excited. |
Roti canai and teh tarik, perfect marriage. |
Resting, after tired of being bored. |
For the ladies. |
Intan was trying to cheer Wanie up. But the attempt was not successful. |
Looking far ahead. |
Sabriena was enjoying her moments. |
Demonstrating to the children - how to do nice artworks. |
Amier and Wanie paying full attention to the teachers. |
Syahmie was taking a break from baby sitting his kid sister. |
Brother Muhammad still could not decide whether to buy the merchandise or not. |
If you want to kick, make sure you kick really hard. |
I wasn't sure whether it was lacking of promotion, or it was simply very early in the morning. Memang belum ramai orang yang datang untuk menengok-nengok suasana kat sekolah ni. Mungkin ada few parents yang datang melawat, yang masih mencari-cari a place to send their kids to a kindergarten. I think sesiapa yang datang pasti akan love at first sight.
"Punch like Punch Gunalan. Don't punch like fruit punch. For God's sake, I was making a joke. Why don't you laugh?" |
"Do you think you can take me down? Like a man?" |
Feeling thirsty. |
Top of the world. |
The castle dwellers. |
Sweet couple. |
"Okay. Let's not be too sweet. I don't want to get diabetes". |
Barang yang paling laris dijual nampaknya merupakan makanan dan minuman. Dan pembeli-pembelinya nampak gayanya merupakan ahli keluarga yang buka gerai kat situ jugak. Nak buat apa lagi kalau bukan eat and drink. Dulu my wife pernah bukak gerai jual rojak buah. Laris jugak! Aku pulak bukak gerai art dengan Zaidi. Aku buat caricatures, and Zaidi buat watercolour painting which was very awesome!
To be continued...
Food stall. |
Preparing some dishes. |
"We sell sweet stuffs." |
Saleh - the businessman. |
Feeling hot? Buy drinks here. |
Amier and mama. |
Play hall for the pre-schoolers. |
Baby sitting Sabriena. |
Play group cabin. |
Teacher in the art class. |
Having interesting conversations. |
This uncle was considering of purchasing the hat. |
Ika - Sabriena's teacher, baby sitter and cousin. |
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