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Showing posts with label caricature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label caricature. Show all posts

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Selamat Hari Raya dari Neuformation Architects 2020

Raya tahun 2020 ini, disambut lagi. Kad ucapan digital disebar luaskan ke serata alam. Mengucapkan selamat hari raya untuk seluruh teman-teman, saudara-mara, dan kenalan, yang duduk berhampiran, atau di negeri-negeri lain di dalam negara. Malah kad ucapan juga disampaikan kepada kenalan yang berada di luar negara. Di planet-planet lain juga turut dipanjangkan kad ucapan aidilfitri ini.

Di penghujung bulan Ramadan, aku telah diminta oleh salah seorang bossku untuk merekacipta kad ucapan raya digital. Tahun 2019, kami pakai gambar projek. Tahun ini pun aku berbuat perkara yang sama. Cari projek lain, cari gambar yang cantik-cantik, bagi effect sikit, letaklah kata-kata manis. Itulah yang selalu diamalkan oleh kebanyakan firma arkitek di Malaysia ni. Lalu aku post dalam group whatsapp. Tanya pendapat boss-boss aku. Boss aku pada mulanya nakkan design yang lebih simple. Tetapi tiba-tiba terdetik dalam fikirannya sesuatu yang agak berlainan. 

Beberapa tahun yang lalu, aku pernah menghasilkan kad raya digital dengan melukis gambar karikatur staf ofis. Boss aku suruh lukis something like that, tetapi pakaikan topeng muka untuk semua karikatur itu. Aku agak sangsi pada awalnya. Aku tanya boss aku, "Are you seriously thinking about using this idea?" Boss aku confirm nak buat macam tu. Katanya masukkan semua muka staf baru, termasuk yang bertugas di tapak projek. Tanpa berlengah, aku pun terus mintak gambar seorang-seorang dan mulalah melukis. Dan hasilnya.... Tadaaaaaa!!!!!!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Selamat merantau Brader Muhamad Khasheb

15 September 2019 - Kami ada seorang kawan. Kawan Arab. Arab Yaman. Dia ni dah jadi macam kawan kepada keluarga besar kami. Dah duduk di Malaysia sangat lama. Lebih sepuluh tahun. Dah faham pasal budaya orang tempatan. Satu hari tu katanya dia nak merantau, berhijrah ke negara lain pulak. Aku pun dah tak berapa ingat nak ke mana. Ke Turki rasanya. Dan negara-negara lain juga. Jadi kami pun buatlah satu jamuan selamat tinggal untuk beliau. Oh, by the way nama kawan kami itu ialah Muhamad Khasheb. Panggil Muhamad aje.

Segala persiapan makanan disediakan oleh kakak ipar aku, Kak Fatimah dan anak-anaknya. Kami cuma sumbang sikit-sikit aje. Majlis tu sangat ringkas. Makan-makan. Minum-minum. Borak-borak. Tanya perancangan Muhamad pada masa hadapan. Dan lain-lain. Secara sepontan, aku pun lukislah gambar karikatur Muhamad. Syakirah masukkan dalam frame. Kami bagi kepada Muhamad sebagai cenderahati. Lepas bergambar, kami pun pulanglah ke rumah masing-masing.

Kepada Brader Muhamad Khasheb, selamat berjaya di perantauan. Dan berjaya dalam apa saja bidang yang anda ceburi.

Karikatur Muhamad Khasheb.
Brader Muhamad.
Keluarga kami bergambar bersama Brader Muhamad Khasheb.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Selamat Hari Jadi buat Mohamad

1 Januari 2019 - Selamat Tahun baru buat semua warga dunia. Happy New Year to all earthlings (dah macam bahasa alien-lah pulak). Sempena tahun baru 2019 ini, aku mendapat satu tempahan melukis gambar karikatur seorang teman dari Pahang sempena hari lahir suaminya yang kami panggil Mohamad. Ienah tu ialah teman karib isteriku sejak berkurun lamanya. Buat Mohamad, kami sekeluarga juga ingin mengucapkan Selamat hari Lahir. Semoga selalu dalam redha dan rahmat Allah. Hidup penuh keberkatan, diampunkan segala dosa. Dan dihimpunkan di dalam Syurga bersama keluarga tersayang. Ameen.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Teachers of Kidz Cabin

25 November 2017 - You guys still remember Kidz Cabin? It is a kindergarten where our youngest daughter, Sabriena learns her ABC. Well, not just ABC actually. DEFG HIJK LMNO PQRS TUVW XYZ and many other stuffs as well. One of the teachers and partners is planning to leave, move from Kuala Lumpur. So, the school plans to give her some sort of gift or present. The Principal contacted me and asked me to draw some caricatures of the teachers. I agreed to do it. Took me a while to complete the drawings because of my tight schedule (kononnya lah kannn). But eventually I managed to get it done. And here is the outcome.

Present teachers and former teachers.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2017 dari Neuformation

19 Jun 2017 - Tahun ni tiba-tiba ofis aku ada buat pertandingan design kad hari raya. Bila aku baca aje pengisytiharan tu, aku pun terus terbayang nak buat karikatur semua staff kat ofis. Ramai tu. 32 orang kesemuanya. Lalu aku pun mulalah mengumpul gambar-gambar semua staff ofis aku. Sumber gambar aku dapat dari bermacam-macam cara:

1. Stor simpanan gambar-gambar lama
2. Ambil gambar pakai handphone
3. Suruh staf whatsapp gambar

Kebanyakan gambar aku lukis masa weekend. Terpaksa gunakan computer anak saudara aku, pasal Photoshop kat komputer aku tak power. Memanjang hang, exit secara mengejut. Wajah yang paling susah aku draw sudah pastilah wajah lady boss aku. Kena agak-agak. Tak boleh terlalu kartun dan kelakar sangat. Tak boleh terlalu serius. Mesti ngam-ngam sepadan dengan peranannya sebagai lady boss. Setelah pulun sepanjang weekend, akhirnya siap jugak sebuah design yang sempoi.

Oh, by the way, kebanyakan kengkawan aku tak dapat participate dalam peraduan design kad raya ni pasal masing-masing tengah pulun buat drawing untuk disiapkan sebelum cuti raya. Malah mereka semua tak sempat nak fikir pun pasal peraduan ni. Okay. Let's call it design kad raya untuk suka-suka. Bukan pertandingan anymore.

Aku print dan tampal kad raya karikatur ni pada hari Isnin 19 Jun 2017. Siap email kat lady boss aku lagi. Dia suka. Aku happy. Lalu design kad raya ni telah di-official-kan untuk di-email kepada kesemua contact kami. Dan beginilah rupa kad raya tu:

Official raya card Neuformation Architects Sdn Bhd 2017.
Partners / bosses / directors / AR's: Ar Nurakmal, Amna, Ar Jalid, Ar Firdaus.
Seniors: Azrin, Adi, Akmal, Nik.
Admin / special assistants: Zu, Carol, Nasir, Awie.
Architects: Salam, Wenq, Adika, Afiq, Tron.
Assistant Arcitects: Hann, Farah, Ayou, Awal, Shahril.
3D modelers: Pally, Shamyl.
Drafting team: Yeatz, Muhaimin, Din, Hafeez, Syafiq.
Practical: Fateha, Gina, Haz.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

My friend - Awaluddin

Ini Awaluddin. Dia adalah kawan ofis aku. Kami kat ofis semua panggil dia Awal. Tapi Awal bukanlah yang paling awal sampai ofis. Jugak bukan yang paling awal pulang ke rumah. Awal duduk dekat dengan tempat duduk aku. Hari-hari aku menghadap muka Awal. Akhirnya aku terpaksa jugaklah melukis gambar Awal. Selagi aku tak lukis, selagi itulah muka Awal terbayang-bayang dalam fikiran aku.

Kat ofis aku, dengan Awal lah yang aku paling rapat. Bukan saja pasal dia duduk dekat, tetapi jugak pasal kami selalu berbincang pasal projek yang kami uruskan. Kekadang story pasal hal-hal peribadi jugak. Dan selalu jugak kami solat berjemaah kalau kat ofis.

Tapi, yang paling selalu kami buat adalah buat lawak bodoh taraf antarabangsa. Lawak yang kami buat tu tersangatlah bodoh, sehinggakan kalau orang yang ada IQ sebanyak 10 mata pun takkan faham lawak bodoh yang kami buat tu. Kami sendiri pun terpaksa menurunkan IQ kami semata-mata untuk memahami lawak bodoh yang kami buat tu. Tapi masa nak buat kerja, IQ kami akan dinaikkan semua ke tahap yang sewajarnya.

Awal suka tersenyum dan tersengih. Dan tiap-tiap hari Jumaat Awal akan beli kuih denderam satu bekas dan bagi kawan-kawan makan secara percuma. Itulah Awal. 

Sekian, terima kasih dari aku.

 Pemarkahan IQ
 <10          : Lawak bodoh antarabangsa
85 - 114    :  Average
115 - 129  : Above average
130 - 144  : Gifted
145 - 159  : Genius

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Perginya seorang Shahril

22 Julai 2016 - Pada kira-kira tarikh ini, seorang lagi staff kat ofis aku pergi meninggalkan ofis untuk berkhidmat di satu tempat yang lain pulak. Aku pun tak sempat menanya hala tuju beliau yang baru. Nama kawanku itu adalah Shahril. Last day dia pada hari Jumaat. Ada buat makan-makan sikitlah untuk farewell. Kami kumpul duit ramai-ramai untuk beli juadah makan tengah hari. Tapi pada hari Jumaat tu, aku pulak tak dapat datang ofis, pasal pada hari itu jugaklah aku kena masuk wad untuk keluarkan tiub kat buah pinggang aku. Jadi sebelum aku pergi bercuti sakit, aku sempatlah hadiahkan Shahril gambar karikatur ini buat kenangan. Dan sekarang aku share-kan pulak kat semua para pembaca yang boodeemaan (budiman-lah).

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Dave Newby

Ini gambar salah seorang orang besar kat ofis wife aku. Tapi dia dah tak ada kat ofis tu lagi. Jadi aku draw-lah gambar dia sebagai souvenir. Tu je lah. Sekian

Thursday, October 1, 2015

This is David Holmes

He's young, tall and bold. And bald too. Sorry Dave ;-) But he's cool, friendly, easy to get along with, respectful. In the office, he did some coordination works. Now David is not in Kuala Lumpur anymore. I think he is in Australia doing some jobs for Mott MacDonald. Happy to know you, Dave!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Project Director

Now this is Martin Elton - the Project Director. We don't communicate a lot. He's quiet. Job oriented. Difficult to smile? Well, I do not know him that well actually. Those who know him better have more rights to describe who Martin really is. I shall end my perception here.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ladies in Mott's office

And now it's time for me to introduce the ladies in the office. Not all of them, of course. Just a few. Starting from Anna Feher. Anna is from Hungary. But she has been traveling and working in so many different places. She was based in Singapore before she came to Kuala Lumpur. At the moment, Anna is doing some coordination works in the office. The details, I do not know.

This is Nora. Nora works on the 6th floor. Whereas the Archi and Engineering Teams are on the 5th floor. But Nora sometimes goes down to the 5th floor to scan some A1 size drawings. I'm not sure of her actual scope of work. But I guess she must be the expert in doing scanning jobs including documents scanning, x-ray scanning, CT scanning, MRI scanning, and all sort of scanning. And I also believe she must have gotten her certificates from Scandinavia. Got it? SCAN-dinavia? Ha ha...

And this is Sha. One of the senior ladies in Mott's office. Sha also works on the 6th floor. Her actual job scope remains unknown to me. But at the moment, she is the key person in the document control section. That's about all about the three ladies.

Mott's IT guy and Archi guy

I'm bringing to you two Mott's guys from two different sections. First, Lai Kuang Shyan. I think he is the coolest person in Mott's Archi Team. He either smiles, or stays quietly at his place. I've never seen Lai looses his temper.

This is Megat. He has been with Mott for several months, replacing Kelvin in the IT section. Megat is a big guy. But surprisingly was shy when I wanted to take his pictures several weeks ago. It is not difficult to get along with Megat. If you have any questions regarding computer, you can definitely ask Megat.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Neuformation Architects at Mott MacDonald's office

Based on what we were briefed earlier, we were supposed to stay in Mott's office for about 6 months. But eventually, we have been in Mott's office for almost three years now! We are Ahmad, Salam and I - representing Neuformation to be in the Architecture section. Ahmad is a senior technical coordinator. He liaises with the authorities. And produces building drawings like the rest of us.

Salam is an Architect. Small in size, but not so young actually. Some, in Mott's office call him by the name of Salang. But Salam doesn't mind. Because back home in Terengganu, everyone calls Salam, Salang. (I think).

Sunday, September 20, 2015

More Architects in the House of Mott Mac

Here are two more Architects who play major roles in Mott MacDonald (whose face I managed to sketch). Andy Coulter is based in UK. Specifically in Glasgow, Scotland. Andy was here in KL last year to help the KL team on some big projects. During his stay in KL, I didn't really have the chance to sit down and talk to him about things. He did his stuff. And I did mine. It just happened that Andy's seat was very near to mine. And I took this opportunity to sketch his face.

The eldest in the family is of course Mr Ling. This American graduated Architect is already 60+, and has vast experience in site supervisions. When I got things that I do not really understand about construction, I would refer to him. Yes. Mr Ling was my reference man!

Architects at Mott MacDonald

I guess it is about time I introduce some of my colleagues from the Architecture section. Many have left the office. The remaining ones are Dzul, Hamed and Lai. But I didn't get the chance to draw Lai's face yet. Maybe next time. Let's start with Dzul. I personally think he is the most hardworking one in this section. Staying overtime, all night long in the office, working during holidays, are quite common for Dzul. Got great sense of humor. But when works are concern, he would become very focused and serious.

The other guy is Hamed. He is from Iran. When I first saw him, I thought he was from Italy. Mamma Mia! Must be a pizza eating guy. Hamed is an Architect. A bit funny once in a while. Hamed likes to ask questions. All sort of questions, from work related questions to personal questions. He has been in Malaysia for quite a while. With him are his wife and her cute looking 2 years old daughter.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

More Mott's Engineering experts

Introducing two more members from the Structural Engineering Section. Number one - Dr Farid. That is how the name should be spelled. Not F.A.R.E.E.D as written in the caricature. Never mind. I hope Dr Farid doesn't mind too. Dr Farid is a Structural Engineer. But sometimes we went to him and said, "Doctor, could you please check my blood pressure? Is it okay? Could you please give me some pills? I have a headache". Dr Farid would then reply, "Excuse me! I'm not a medical doctor. I'm a PhD doctor. I don't know anything about your sickness. But if you have weak or broken bones, I can try to reinforce them with steel bars. Because I am a structural Engineer! Ha ha ha....!!!" And of course, that kind of reply would chase his 'patients' away.

Dr Farid is from Bangladesh. When I first met him, I thought he was a local Malay. So I greeted him with "Apa khabar?" But he didn't answer. After sometimes, I noticed he always speak English with some kind of accents. I then thought he was from India. Until about two months ago, he announced infront of everybody that he was from Bangladesh. Okay, one case closed.

Another person from the Structural Engineering section is Man. Everyone calls him Man. I'm not sure of his full name. Could be RahMAN, RosMAN, OsMAN, AzMAN or AiMAN. Or, could also be HerMAN, PaiMAN, WagiMAN, SudirMAN, ToiMAN or MaskiMAN. Or, maybe SuperMAN, IronMAN, SpiderMAN, BatMAN, or UltraMAN. The secrets of his name still remain a mystery. However, some of us do call him Man Telo. Man is also a funny guy in Mott's office. Ha ha ha MAN...

Friday, September 11, 2015

Former Mott's Mechanical backups

They used to be part of Mott MacDonald's family members. Now, they are somewhere else. Frankly speaking, I still do not know their stories with Mott. I guessed they were loaned by some companies to get some jobs done. Zukri, or we used to call him Comel is the "stickerman". He makes decorative stickers for cars etc. I've seen his work. Quite neat. Impressive. Well, the sticker stuff, of course has nothing to do with Mott.

The other mechanical guy is Fendi, or we sometimes called him Panjang. He's the tallest in the office. Mat salehs not included. Everybody has to look up when talking to him. And he has to look down instead. Funny guy. Ha ha ha... That's it!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Mott's electrical individuals

Hello again! Let's take a break from Hari Raya stories for a while. Again, I'm introducing another two colleagues of mine from Mott MacDonald. The first one is Abiramee. We call her Abi. I've never heard anyone called her by her full name. She is the cheerful type. Loves to laugh. Brings some colours in the office. Abi is an Electrical Engineer.

The second individual is Shukor. A very quiet person. A lot quieter than me. Very hard working. Focused. And recently just got a baby. Congratulations! Shukor is one of the technical persons in the Electrical Engineering section.

Monday, August 3, 2015

6 wajah karikatur - suatu tugasan

29 Julai 2015 - Entah macam mana tiba-tiba aku terjebak untuk melukis gambar enam buah wajah yang tak aku kenali. Well, actually aku kenal salah seorang dari mereka. Melalui isteriku, kawan kami itu, yang juga merupakan bekas senior satu sekolah dengan isteriku, Reha telah mintak tolong daripada aku untuk melukiskan wajah karikatur lima orang rakannya untuk satu persembahan seminar barangkali. Kebetulan aku tak berapa sibuk sangat waktu tu, jadi aku pun kata okay ajelah. Aku gunakan ruang ini untuk menajamkan skil melukis karikatur yang aku ada. Alang-alang aku dah lukis, maka aku post ajelah kat dalam blog ni agar semua orang dapat menengok dan menilainya. Sekian, terima kasih. Check-out and over!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Orang api dan orang mekanikal

Kali ini aku bawakan dua orang lagi kawan aku yang bekerja di ofis ini. Kedua-duanya adalah engineer. Tetapi dari background yang berbeza. Seorang adalah Jurutera Mekanikal. Seorang lagi ialah Jurutera Kebakaran. Bukannya jurutera yang suka membakar. Tetapi jurutera yang arif pasal kebakaran, atau cara-cara dan keperluan perlindungan bangunan dari kebakaran. Dalam erti kata lain pakar kebombaan.

Mechanical Engineer tu nama dia David Wong. Orang Malaysia, tapi kerja dekat UK agak lama jugak. Dia punya cakap sangat laju dan sangat konfiden. Aku rasa kalau kat ofis tu, David lah yang paling konfiden sekali dari segi personalitinya. Lebih konfiden dari kesemua mat salleh yang wujud kat ofis tu. David ni jugak sangat terer main badminton. Sangat agresif bila di gelanggang badminton. Itu sajalah pasal David Wong.

Yatin adalah pakar kebakaran. Profession-nya adalah Fire Engineer. Jurutera Api. Kami selalu consult dia pasal api. Contohnya, jenis-jenis api di dunia ini. Atau macam mana nak hidupkan api atas pemukaan yang basah. Atau bagaimana nak membasmi semut api yang merayap kat rumah. Atau bagi kengkawan yang menghisap rokok, mereka akan bertanya, "Ada api?" Dan sebagainya. Yatin ni kira soft spoken orangnya. Senang didekati. Dan dalam pemerhatian aku, beliau disenangi oleh banyak orang, termasuk aku. Akan sedaya upaya membantu dalam hal-hal kepakarannya bila ditanya. Yatin adalah warga UK. Tapi beliau berketurunan kacuk India. Itu sajalah pasal Yatin.